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Arman Emami on industrial design at Deutsche Telekom's M2M Factory Day

On 8 May 2015, Deutsche Telekom held its sixth M2M Factory Day, which is dedicated to the far-reaching possibilities of machine-to-machine solutions. Under the banner of "Designing success with M2M", selected speakers gave talks before members of the M2M community at the Red Dot Design Museum Essen. These speakers also included Arman Emami, founder of Emamidesign.

His talk focused on the role of product design in M2M development and the M2M community network, as well as on usability and interface design in M2M. In his talk, Arman Emami made it clear that intelligent product design offers valuable opportunities to achieve a more successful position in the tough global competitive environment. Ever-dwindling resources and environmental factors crucial to our survival virtually demand a re-thinking of the design process: away from mere aesthetics towards a holistic approach. Arman Emami emphasised the importance of developing innovative strategies which take into account functionality, production demands and marketing aspects.

"Only once aesthetics, innovation and commercial viability have been brought in harmony can a brand be successful", explained the multi-award-winning product designer, and referred to the major role which product design plays in M2M development and within the M2M network. Using an illustrative case study, Emami spoke about the external and internal obstacles impeding innovation.

True innovation as a driving force behind development – at Emamidesign, this is no mere declaration of intent, but something put into practice every day: together with our customers, we develop sustainable design solutions which stand out in terms of their aesthetics and functionality, and which make the products more successful. Competitive advantages through design quality is a topic which is becoming ever more important, and not just in M2M.